![]() |
The type of an iterator into the range.
typedef basic_resolver_iterator< protocol_type > const_iterator;
Name |
Description |
The type used for the distance between two iterators. |
The iterator category. |
The type of the result of applying operator->() to the iterator. |
The type of the result of applying operator*() to the iterator. |
The type of the value pointed to by the iterator. |
Name |
Description |
Default constructor creates an end iterator. Copy constructor. Move constructor. |
Dereference an iterator. |
Increment operator (prefix). Increment operator (postfix). |
Dereference an iterator. |
Assignment operator. Move-assignment operator. |
Name |
Description |
Name |
Description |
Test two iterators for inequality. |
Test two iterators for equality. |
The ip::basic_resolver_iterator
template is used to define iterators over the results returned by a resolver.
The iterator's value_type, obtained when the iterator is dereferenced, is:
const basic_resolver_entry<InternetProtocol>
Distinct objects: Safe.
Shared objects: Unsafe.